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SAINTS Adventures in After Care is our new after-school program. Our daily schedule will include snacks, homework time as needed, outside free time when weather permits, as well as fun hands-on learning opportunities in art, science, history, creative thinking, teamwork and more. The after-school program will be offered daily from the time students finish their day, until 5:30pm. Students will be given choices and opportunities to give input on lessons and plans, and our program will align with all policies and rules of the school. 

We look forward to a great year of after-school adventures, learning and fun!

  Students must register and there is a $35 yearly registration fee, with a maximum of $75 per family. 

Regular Afternoon (3:00-5:30, 2:00-5:30 on Wednesday) $15.00
Short Stays (less than 1 hour) $9.00
Half-Day of school (11:30-5:30) $30.00


click here for registration and policy information.

Students who are not picked up by 3:30 (M, Tu, Th, F) or 2:30 on Wednesday will be sent to after-school care. Students must be picked up from after-care by 5:30 pm. Students who remain after 5:30 pm will incur late a fee of $15.00 for each 1-15 minutes you are late. (17 minutes = $30)

Director - Jennifer Nowlin,