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Our St. Jude School FUNdraiser that supports your lifestyle and the places you shop everyday!


What is SCRIP?

A service provided to raise money for our school without selling.



  • Easy earning for our school while you shop for everyday purchases.
  • An “Ongoing” program to raise money for our school with a simple reload feature for many Scrip card. 
Other than Publix and Food City, we will no longer be stocking and selling physical Scrip cards in the front office. You still have the option to purchase physical cards online and we will send them home with your child.  If you need help setting up your account so you can order, you can send an email to and we’ll be happy to help. 
Physical card orders will only be placed two times per month, on the 1st and 3rd Monday of each month. If one of these days falls on a holiday we will communicate the date change for that order in the school’s weekly email.  We don’t typically receive a lot of physical card orders and since we won’t be ordering stock cards for the office, we find it necessary to cut back to 2 orders per month to make sure we have enough to justify paying the shipping costs for the cards.  Any orders entered after 9am will not go through until the next order two weeks later.      


There are a couple of other things worth mentioning as we get this year started.  For those of you who have been using the MyScripWallet app, I invite you to check out the new Raise Right app.  It seems to be more user-friendly than the previous app and has some features the MySripWallet app does not.
 It is also VERY IMPORTANT to remember to double check your orders before you submit them.  Once you have submitted an order and paid via online payment we can’t refund that payment or cancel your order, so please make sure you have entered the correct amount and type of card (physical, e-card, or reload) before you click “place order”.
Thank you all for your support in raising funds to support our school!!
Scrip cards for sale:
Each year during online enrollment parents are required to commit to this fundraiser by raising $140 in rebates or buying in through a one time payment. Extended family can support us too! Just click here for the Extended Family agreement!

TWO Ways to Scrip

1. The quickest and easiest way is to use Raise Right on your smartphone to instantly order and receive virtual gift cards.
• Contact for the enrollment code and then create an account at
• Set up Online Payments by logging into your ShopwithScrip account. Go to the drop down menu at the top, click on account settings, then family functions on the left. Then, click on payment types and it will guide you through the set up process.
• Go to the app store on your smartphone and download the Raise Right app. Using your account information you can log into this app and purchase virtual gift cards and purchase or reload physical gift cards.
2.To do a one time order for physical cards, email Suzanne Payne at
To see a list of retailers and the percent they return to our school: Click Here


If you have any questions at all, please contact HASA President, Mary Jungels at and someone from the Scrip Committee will help you.